Natural Wonders - Good Riddance - Tropical Insect Repellent - Sensitive - 250ml

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Good Riddance Sensitive Insect Repellent is the only insect repellent in Australia suitable for babies over 3 months, during pregnancy and for use on sensitive skin or eczema. It provides clinically proven long lasting natural protection against mosquitoes, midges and sandflies that can carry harmful viruses such as Ross River and Dengue.

The unique DEET and Citronella-free formula has a fresh, sweet floral aroma with herbaceous base notes and a hint of vanilla.

The cream is rich in nourishing shea butter and beeswax which make the product last longer on your skin and provide a physical barrier against midges and sandflies that has been clinically proven to be more effective than DEET.

The Good Riddance Sensitive Insect Repellent is the same formula as the previously labelled Baby Good Riddance Mozzie & Midgie Mousse.