Jellystone Designs - Change Mats

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it's the parental motto: be prepared. You're going to have to change a nappy somewhere outside of home, sometime and you're going to want to be prepared for when it happens!

This nappy clutch is a master of disguise: what looks like a regular stylish clutch reveals itself to be an all-in-one nappy wallet with change mat that has space for all the nappies and wipes you are inevitably going to need for that on-the-go changing time. This stylish parenting accessory has been made from water resistant fabric to protect it from lifes little spills and added some essential cushioning to the change mat for the comfort of their little bottom.

There is also an adjustable strap included so you can easily carry it over a shoulder or across your pram handle to keep it close by and ready for action.

Made from hardwearing neoprene (wetsuit material), you can choose from a range of fun and bright designs for your nappy changes.

These Change Mats are machine washable and colour fast.